Meteorology                 Natural Science 1005

Ed Wehling
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NATS 1005  Sec 01
Topic Outlines

NATS 1005   Sec 02
Topic Outlines

Student Advice

I often ask students if they have any advice for the next students to take Meteorology. Here are their ideas:

Fall 2017

Write good notes. Read your notes at least every other day.


It's an interesting class.

Respect the rules of king Ed when entering his kingdom (class). In return you will be rewarded with an enlightening and likely entertaining education. So sayth the Town Crier.

Make flash cards. Draw images in notes.

If you're taking this class because you think it's easy, it's not. There is a lot of physics involved in science and if you're not familiar, I would familiarize yourself as fast as possible. Also, note taking is essential in this class, but in addition to that, when studying your notes it is important to read the topic outline on D2L before the next class so you can make connections during the lecture and know what Ed is talking about.

Go to lecture.

Take great notes and study hard.

Go to all lecture classes. Go to all lab classes. Read topic outlines before class.

Take good notes, screwed without them.

Study notes before taking a test. The tests can be difficult if you don't know the material.

It covers the material and gets to be fun by a few weeks in.

The tests don't get easier. Study hard!

Take lots of notes. If you don't get something, ask.

If you pay attention in lecture and participate in labs I have no idea how you could fail.

Take good notes. Pay attention.

Just study for the class and take good notes (so show up for class).

Study! And remember a 65% is awesome.

Buy the book.

If you don't study you won't pass. Even if you hate this class try to enjoy it because it can be interesting and he is passionate about what he teaches and he is funny. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Professor Ed seems harsh at first, but once you get to know him and his teaching style it is an enjoyable course.

Study, study, study! It helps so much. Ask questions, do study groups! take good notes!

If you don't show up it's really hard.

Take good notes and pay attention and you'll be fine.

Listen to what he says in lecture and write it down. Write down everything he writes on the board. Use the notes from class and the topic outlines to study and you will never have to read the book!

Always leave your house 5 to 10 minutes earlier than you normally would in order to make it on time.

Stick through it! It's worth the struggle.

Make sure you take good notes and study them.

Stick with the class! It's worth it!
Ed is really funny! Don't be scared of him!

Put your notes in your own words. Think about class when you are outside. Read the book if you don't get something.

Study hard for tests. Just because the standards are set at 75%+ for an A doesn't mean the tests are going to be easy.

Show up to class and lab! Those are your only points for this class! Also don't think you can breeze over the test with little studying! Study and go see him for help.

If you have any problems just ask him. I had to miss 3 weeks of class due to health issues and he helped me make sure I would still pass the class.

If you can pay attention and take good notes, you can do decently without notes and even better with them.

It may seem tough at first, but as long as you attend the classes and keep good notes, you have nothing to fear.

Fall 2015

Study! Know the material, listen to the instructor, categorize notes, flash cards, find an effective way to study.

At first, I thought he was kind of a hard ass, but ended up being my favorite professor.

Use the study guides online--they're what got me through the class.

Review and take good notes. Use content explanations.

Don't skip class. Go to all the labs.

Write notes.

Check out Ed's "nice pics" on the website. Oh, and don't be afraid of Ed--he is a funny guy.

Ed may be scary, but he is enthusiastic about Meteorology and will help you to be, also.

Pay attention in class and show up!!! Go to labs, they really help test scores.

Review your notes sooner than later.

Study real hard. I found the tests really challenging.

Take notes and then follow through with re-reading them.

Attend class and do not miss and labs and you will be fine.

He looks scary, but he wants to help you learn. So do not be afraid to ask.
Come to class. take notes. Print out guidelines. Study.

Study hard and pay attention.

Take lots of notes. Make sure you understand things before you forget anything.

Don't be scared to ask questions. Ed explains them very well.

Tie all things together by understanding the physical things that are going on.

Study all the time. Take a lot of notes. Write everything down. Print out study guides on D2L.

Study for the test in advance. Understand the concepts prior to the test.
Do not be afraid to ask questions! Very helpful!

Always come to lecture. Try to pair up what we are discussing with the lecture guides. Look at your lecture guide questions and your notes.

Please do not be offended by Ed's manner! He cares about you as an ARCC student and that you not only learn but understand the material!

Do not miss any labs or lectures! Think of any, even minor, questions to ask him for clarification to thoroughly understand the material.

Make sure you attend all lectures, or the tests will be difficult. Use his D2L resources to your advantage--they are a great help.

Fall 2014

Attend class and take notes!!

Show up for every lab/class!

Study your notes all the time.
Come to class and have fun. You will do great!

Go to class.

Always bring the important images and annotate them!

Notes are important, so come to class!

Go over course materials every few days, and try not to miss too many days.

Write down everything he writes on the board, and always ask questions because most likely someone has the samequestion as you. He's a great guy and teacher.

Don't just study mindlessly and memorize. Think it through. Figure out why it does what it does, and understand that reason.

In this course you need to pay attention--take lots of notes.
Ask questions.
Oh, and take more notes. And study your notes.

This is a class. You are a student.
Show up, shut up, pay attention.

Study, study, study! Make sure you know the terms. It will make the class go much smoother if you know what is going on!

Ed is a good teacher in the manner of getting to the point and getting the material needed done, but he needs have a little more patience with his students. Some find him intimidating in the manner of getting a problem wrong and being over-reprimanded for it, Just a little more leeway and explanation and he's fine!

Just keep going over your notes every day and actually know the stuff and don't just memorize it.

Don't ask stupid questions about something you just went over several times.

Study hard and take good notes, then you'll be fine. Ed can be difficult at times, but just hang in there.

Take notes on everything! Write fast! Stay organized! Ask questions and you'll do just fine!

Come to lecture and to lab. Meteorology is more fun than you think, especially with Ed as a teacher. Ask to watch pig spleen video!

The tests are not easy. Use the material on D2L to assist you in researching outside of class.
Also, be prepared for lab by showing up regularly, and always bring the labmanual.
This class may seem difficult, but if you persevere and put in the time, you will succeed.

Come to class every day and attend all the labs.
Making note cards  was really helpful when studying for exams.

He can be sarcastic and a jerk, but you will learn, and can be appreciated. Just don't let him get to you.

If you use flashcards, which I suggest you do, you should make them as you go along.
Don't wait until days before the test to start your preparation/studying. The more you go over it, the more you remember things.

Stick with it! I learned a lot! Do not skip a class day unless you absolutely have to!

When Ed says something to you, don't take it the wrong way. He's not being a jerk, he just wants you to think for yourself like an adult.

Take really good notes! Study material before the night before exams.

Show up, take notes, and you'll be fine.

Take time every day to study outside of class.
Come to class prepared and be on time.
Don't miss labs or too many lectures if you can ask questions!


Spring 2013

Write down everything that is on the board.
Try not to miss lecture.
Pay attention to the little tidbits.
Test can be difficult. You can flip things around so know the material.

Go over your notes each day, and try to relate them to the current weather and it helps.

Take good notes, pay attention, and make sure you  know stuff. Don't just try and memorize.

Take notes.

Ed knows his stuff. Show up to class and listen and you should do alright. However, be ready to learn and work in his class.

Know your stuff!! It's a fun course if you know and understand the basics.

Print off the Powerpoints. Take notes, but pay attention.
Enjoy it and have fun. Ed is a good guy.
If you pay attention and read over the notes you'll do great!!

Don't ever be late to lab.

Take lots of notes, go to every class, and really listen.
Ed is a cool guy and enjoys helping his students. Don't be intimidated.

Go to class and takes notes!!!
That's all you have to do to pass is just he there!
Study your notes for exams, of course.


Print out all outlines and starred images.
Show up to class every day and study at least one week before each test.

Take notes on anything he says and study several days ahead of any tests.

Make sure you listen and write down more than is on the board. print out the pictures on the website.

Do the work and study hard!

If you listen to what Ed says you will do just fine.

Show up to class and lab every day.
Sit up front so you can take better notes.
Write more than what is on the board so
you can understand it better.

Go to labs. They help with understanding the material better, which could help exam scores.

Go to class and you will be just fine.

Stick through it; it's not too bad.

Pay attention and take notes during lecture. If you don't miss them you will easily pass the class. And try to understand the labs because it does help you understand the lectures and well.

Going to lecture is essential for good grades!
Take lots of notes and bring multiple color inks--better for illustrations from board.

Use colored pens/pencils when taking notes. It helps a lot.

Review your notes from the last class the night/morning before class--very helpful in gaining an understanding of the topic.
Bring highlighters/markers and make your notes colorful!
Print out powerpoint slides and write notes on them during lecture.

Try to explain weather to family or friends and see how well you can do. If you get nervous, talk with the dog. If you feel confident doing that, the tests should be easier.

Don't be consistently late--you will called out in front of the entire class.

Do not wait until the last minute to study!
Always show up to class or you will be screwed for the next test!
Make as many labs as you can and if you miss do it at home.

Don't take this class if you live far away from campus. Weather conditions that might prevent you from making labs could cause you to fail the course quite easily.

Print off all powerpoints and extra notes at the beginning of the semester.
Mark topic outlines with codes and correlate those with powerpoint notes (helped to see what concept answered outline question).

Memorization--all maps are very important,
Be on time so you don't miss out on great lectures.

Be prepared to take a great deal of notes through spoken lecture. It's a key to success in this class.

Don't miss class. It is easier to understand the material if you are always in class.

Spring 2012

Go to class and pay attention. You should be fine.

Notes, Notes, Notes and study!
Don't skip class (you miss out on a lot).

My advice would be to take organized notes. Highlighting worked well for me, but you need to put the info into stories so you can know what is being said. Also, attend the labs. I found those to be the best way to understand the different concepts. Don't be afraid to ask questions!

If you have a question during class, seriously don't be afraid to ask it with the fear of sounding dumb. Just be courageous and ask it. :)

Take good notes! Write everything he says down in the middle of the page of your notebook. Underline new materials and section off new concepts. Look over material before bed for 15 minutes every note day. Concepts will come much easier.

Show up, listen, write down notes, and be creative with how you write the notes (i.e., use color, pictures, symbols). Relate what you learn to everyday things.

Make sure you fully understand what we're doing in lab. Don't just go along with the group and pretend you know what's going on.

Review your notes well in advance. Don't try to cram for tests. Go to all the labs and participate in them as much as possible because that will help you apply and understand the info you learned in class.

Use the information you learn in class in your everyday life. It is helpful and helps you remember the material.

Before each day read the topic outlines. Sometimes you'll find you don't need to take notes.
Before each test review under the content section of D2L, there is everything you need there.
Eat food and drink water. It will keep you alive long enough to make it through the semester to pass.

Come to class every day. Take notes.

It's not about memorizing the material--it's about understanding it. If you don't understand it, there is no way you will do well in this course. Make sure you 'get it'.

When studying for tests, talk the notes out like a story. Take notes on the things he writes down, and the things he doesn't.

Study early, and by topi.
Break the topic outlines up and make your own study guide.
Focus in class.
Take thorough notes.

Write notecards for the tests with questions and answers. That helped me not get confused with similar concepts.

Come to class.
Draw pictures with notes.

Definitely study, and ask questions.
This class wasn't as easy as I thought it would be! Good luck!

Read notes on D2L, not just notes from class. If you don't get it look online as well, like YouTube videos.

Do what everyone says--they're telling the truth.

Make sure you attend every class/lab. It is much easier to learn concepts in class rather than on your own.

Try to write down everything we talk about and study, study, study.
Even though attendance isn't required, still go!!
don't buy the book--waste of $$!!

Take notes and you'll be fine. In labs, don't think too hard on the question. They just sound hard but really aren't.

Know the material and concepts well. You cannot wing these tests and do as well as you might in other courses.

Study! Study! Study! You won't do well on tests if you don't go over your notes, so take good notes!

Write down whatever Ed puts on the board!

Take notes as he is talking, not just what he writes down.
Don't bother buying the book for the class.

Attend all classes. Attend all labs.

Come to class everyday. Take good notes.

Come to class and take notes! Study!

Come to class, pay attention, and take notes.

Make sure you study a lot and know the material. Don't try to wing it on the exams.

Ed is unique, just accept it.

Study each night that you have class. A lot of information at attain. He is always willing to meet with you to help if you don't understand the material.

Study. Take notes. Pay attention. Go to class. Common sense stuff, really.

Study, print out the outlines. Fill them out and make sure you know it front to back.

If you go to class, listen and take notes. It is almost a guarantee you will get an A.

Go to class, take good, thorough notes (not just what is written on the board), and study and you'll do just fine in the course.

Pay attention. Constantly review D2L.
Talk about key concepts aloud. Attend every lecture and lab.

Take detailed, clear notes.
Read outline. Think logically on exams.

Study a lot for the tests.

Come to class! If you miss, ask someone for the notes.
Write down everything from the board!
Don't cram before test day--it's too much information.
If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Come to class!

I would really recommend printing the lab overviews and take more notes then just written on the board. Pictures help tons!

Study. Don't just cram before an exam because the questions have more to do with understanding specifics in the concepts rather than memorization. If you can answer the questions on the topic outlines with confidence, you should be fine.

Pay attention in class.
Ask questions if you don't understand something.

Spring 2011

Pay attention, come to class, take notes, study.
And ask questions if you don't get it.
Do this and you'll pass the course.

Ask a lot of questions whether you feel comfortable or not.

Go to class and take good notes!

Yeah, people always say you gotta pay attention and take notes, but you seriously have to pay attention and take notes. This course isn't for slackers!

Attend class. Attend all the labs. Take very organized notes. Ask questions if you don't understand the material or you'll never get it.

Don't just take notes on what he writes on the board, but on what he says also. When studying for tests USE the topicoutlines he provides online. Even better, bring the topic outlines to class to take notes on.

Don't skip any class periods!

Attend every class and lab and take good notes, and study frequently.

Study every lesson that night for a refresher. Studying the night before a test helps, but it is not as effective.

Take notes, come to class, be ready to learn about the weather.

look on the online website at the topics. They are really helpful if you print them out for class and fill them out for the tests.

Take notes on everything--what's on the board, on a slide, and what Ed says. Study before the test and you will be fine. :)

Use topic outlines.
Show up
Write down more than what he writes on the board.

Don't take lecture and lab on the same day if you can avoid it.

Study, study, study. At home look at weather website. use your notes as practice. The more you work on it, the more you will get from this class.

Read the book and look at the online outlines.

Never miss a session. Each one is important as missing a section on the test!

Pay attention, take really good notes, tell someone else what you found interesting or what you didn't know before. It helps sticj the info in your memory.

Write what Ed says as well as what's on the board. Taking note of the spoken lectures helps. Color code them as well.

Go to the class lectures and take organized notes.

Take detailed notes!
Get together after class with a group and go over everyone's notes, study together, it helps!
Hard at first until you get the hang of Ed's teaching style. Lecture isn't required, but notes are a must for studying for tests!

Sit in the front, take good notes, and don't just write what you put on the board, write what you say also.

Take lots of notes, study the powerpoints.

Study the whole time, not just right before the test. Try to catch what he says and writes, and ask questions. He is very helpful and will review anything you ask him with new examples.

The material in this class will be much easier to learn and remember if you actually enjoy learning about the weather.

Don't miss class, and use the topic outlines on the website.

Go over your notes everyday.
Do not be afraid to approach Ed. He is actually a pretty cool guy.

Good notes are key.
I would highly recommend the book for singling out problem concepts.
Also, tests should be read in an analytical sort of fashion without too much emphasis on remembering specifics but more how each concept transitions into explaining the next topic. Almost in a "story" like fashion.

Prof. Wehling can be rude and abrupt, but he doesn't seem to mean any harm by it. Just chalk it up to his being a science dude and keep plugging away. Don't drop the class just because he seems to dislike you--it's probably just him being himself.
The material is difficult (if you're not science-minded) but the bar for success is set extremely low.

Sit up front, take detailed notes off what Ed says, not just off board.

Spring 2010

Come to class!

Make sure you can explain topics to people not taking the course.
Try explaining them to friends before a test.
Ask questions.

Study, read, reread, and be concise in short answers.

Be ready to study lots!!!
If you don't have lots of time outside class, this is not worth your time because studying is half the class.
Make sure to come to class and always listen!
Labs are very helpful to information and grade!

Write down what Ed says along with what he writes on the board

Do not wait until the last minute because it will do no good.
Don't be sad if you do horrible on the first test. It takes getting used to. Just do better next time.
Learn how to study the
right way.
Don't talk in class!

Don't be scared of professor Wehling, he's a funny guy!
Study for every test and don't assume you know it all!

If you aren't good at remembering things from class take really detailed notes, not just what is on the board.
Ask questions if you get confused on something.
Pay attention and come to class.

Use topic outlines.
Come to every lecture.

Don't expect this class to be a light introduction. You really need to jump in with both feet; or you will be left behind.

Come to lecture!  All the answers to the exams are given during lecture! He gives you all the answers in lecture form and explains it. All you have to do is come to class for the answers, and understand them!

Study and take notes.
Print pictures and outlines and use them on a daily basis to study.

If you're a person who likes structure, buy the book.
Research topics outside of class if something is unclear to you.

Take good notes and study, and the class will be easy.

Study notes daily. Rewrite notes.
Attend class.
Don't wait to study until day before test.
Take good notes.

Attend lectures!!! It is the best way to get the info.
Ask questions if you don't understand.
Don't buy the text.
Take good notes--using different colors in your notes will help separate the material.

Ask as many questions as possible.
Write absolutely everything down.
Be able to explain lessons to other people.

Look at the pictures on the weblink earlier rather than later! If you look at them before lecture starts there is a better chance you can ask a relevant question.

Don't miss class! Some things are hard to understand, and if you're not there for him to explain it to you, you're not going to understand it very well.

Print out pictures for lecture before class.

Lecture can be quite vague.
Get a book and a good study partner.

Buy the book if you want to get more out of the class. It can help you understand more about the topics we study.
Act like an adult in class.
Pay attention, write good notes, and you will do well.

Study hard and take lots of notes!!!

Take really good notes.
Don't miss class, and ask questions if you don't know something.

When studying for the tests, make sure you are able to explain every question (in detail!) on the topic outlines. It's a lot of work, but it pays off in the end!

Study ahead of time. The tests are harder than you think.

Be very specific with answers.

Study and take thorough notes.

Study! Also if you miss a class get the notes from someone else otherwise you're screwed.
Know how to write good, well-explained essay questions.

Try not to fall asleep in class. Study. Go to as many labs as possible.

Practice short answers.

Make sure to attend class every day.

Take good notes. Read your notes well. Don't buy text.

Follow the instructor's advice. Prepare for the tests.

Go to class! Study! Take detailed notes!

Take good notes.

Always study for the tests!

Take notes the way he suggests, with different colors and lots of images.
Don't use a laptop.
Don't get frightened by the first lab/exam. This class takes some getting used to, but after that, it's much easier.

Don't buy the book, you never use it.
Don't take the class with your boyfriend/girlfriend, and if you do, don't sit next to each other.
The notes are very important, take good notes.

Use the topic outlines--answering the questions on there are extremely useful in studying!

Fall 2008

Don't fall behind! Be at every lab! Ask questions! Study for Exams!

Don't buy the textbook. Pay attention in class. Take notes on everything.

Pay attention! Take good notes even if he doesn't write everything down. Study!!

Do not procrastinate! It will be the death of you. Also start studying and filling out the study guide as you start the chapter.

Sometime Ed's a little grumpy but he's a pretty cool professor. Don't talk during lecture and he won't have a problem with you.

Talk to professor Wehling whenever you get the chance: he's way less intimidating outside of class. Write notes, study, use norecards, do study guides!

Come to class! It's very important to be here-you can miss a lot in one day. Be respectful to the other students and Ed. Don't be late to class, and DON'T TALK when he's teaching.

Don't skip. Use the study guides.

Write a lot of notes. The more things you write down, the more that sticks in your memory.

Basically, just study for tests. use the study guides and your notes.

Don't skip! You miss a lot of lecture notes! Study a week in advance so you really know the material. You shouldn't have to buy the book.

Study, study, study! Don't talk in class. This class will definitely help you if in the past you have had troubles taking notes based off what a professor is saying. Great change in pace from most classes.

Study, study, study and keep it interesting and fun for yourself.

Print out the study guide and use it in class along w/ notes. Book is not necessary at all, as long as you come to class, and take good notes.

Follow study guides and keep up on taking notes.

Study, study, study. Make sure to take really good notes.

Go to class and take notes. Pay attention. Everything on the test is basically covered in class only. Use the study guides.

Simply come every day and take notes. Pictures help.

Go to class and read the study guides and you will do fine.

Pay attention (#1)! Attend lecture...learning from the book will give you an F. Don't be afraid to ask questions. They're not stupid questions and you'll be glad you did when the test comes.

Buy the book. All the charts and maps and info talked about in class come straight out of the book.

My advice to the next group is to pay attention, study extremely hard, and if you're not willing to work really hard, don't even take this class.

Study! Do not slack off on taking the notes! Don't just write what is on the board, write more information so you can understand the maerial better.

Take good notes and study a little after each class.

It ain't bad, just take notes, understand the material, and ask questions and you'll do fine.

Come to lab and class. Take notes. Print off study guides before coming to class.

Go to class. Pay attention in class.

Always stay on top of each lesson. Print out study guides before class and use them as reference during class. Do NOT wait until the night before. Enjoy it. It may be slightly difficult, but honestly, just ask questions!

Use the study outline and answer the questions! bring filled out study guides for Wehling to check! Don't talk in class, it's distracting.

Print off the study guides. Take notes. Draw pictures. Write down examples.

Print out the study guides with enough space between the questions to fill it out. Ask questions based on those questions.

Make sure to take good notes. And if you don't take good notes, buy the book.

You don't need the book. Go to class. Pay attention and take good notes. Talk to the teacher if you don't understand something.

Spring 2007

Sit in the front. Understand the notes, don�t just write them down. Go to every class. Be detailed in lab.

If you don�t know how to take good notes, drop right now! The class is more complex than you think�pay attention!

Don�t buy the book! Be prepared for a tough class, but you�ll do fine if you attend each day.

Anyone who says this class is hard is just saying that to scare you! It is fun and interesting and as long as you attend class regularly you will be fine!

Pay attention. Ask questions. Have fun. Class I what you make of it. Make it worthwhile.

Use your study guides and ask questions. Study group always helps.

Don�t miss class. Study your notes now.

Go to class. Study. Listen. It takes study time. Or you�ll fail.

If you are not descriptive in your writing, Ed will not be your friend. If you don�t find weather interesting, you are in for a long semester! Very complex. Don�t buy the book and STUDY!

Take notes, draw pictures in notes, show up for class, study with someone else in the course.

Attend EVERY class period and lab! Ask questions a lot. Pay attention in lecture or you�ll be lost.

Study basically every day, make sure to go through and understand everything. Ask questions. Ed doesn�t mind answering anything.

Study well in advance for tests. Don�t try to wing them!

The book is a good aid. I�d get it. Study on a consistent basis. Don�t slack! Don�t cram! Ask questions! Understand concepts before moving on.

Don�t get the book. Don�t procrastinate on going over the material. Look at it every day because then you really don�t have to study. Ed may be crazy sometimes, but all the advice he gives really helps. Show up to class�the beginning is hard, but the class gets more interesting!

Take good notes and study.

Just study your notes, try to come to class, if not get someone else�s notes, don�t buy the book. I never read the study guide or had the book and missed lecture about 6 times and studied for about an hour on the tests and got an A in the class.

Take notes on your study guides. Have a question? Just ask, what�s the worst that could happen?

If you have trouble, ask questions and get study partners. Be interested in weather and why it happens.

Don�t buy the book�it�s a waste�all tests are on his lecture. COME TO LECTURE or you will fall behind!!

Follow the study guides, take every note the instructor writes or says, pay attention and participate in labs!

Don�t buy the book. Ask a lot of questions if you don�t understand something.

Ask A LOT of questions. GO see professor during office hours. Attend every lecture!

Don�t buy the book, just go to the lectures. It�s much easier.

Go to class evry day, pay attention, take good notes, make friends in class.

Don�t buy the book unless you skip a lot. Work with the teacher he�s emotional and always right.

Ed is not as mean as he seems. He�s actually just like you and me.

Don�t buy the book, and keep very good notes. Attend class every day. Ask questions.

Have study guide out every class. He answers every question in order. You don�t need the book at all, just answer every question in the study guide and you�ll do fine. It�s not as horrible as some make it out to be. I liked it!

Fall 2006

Attend class. Do homework.

Show up to all lectures, it is the only way to know what will be on the test.

Find someone to study with for tests. It helps a lot.

Get a study group! A study buddy!

Book is not needed!

Lecture helps with study guides and tests.

Show up for lecture.

Write down all notes.

Study for tests.

After every couple of classes review yor notes. If you don�t understand something, go in early to class and find out vs. leaving it to the night before with lots of unanswered questions.

Always go to class.

Ask questions.

Come to each lab and lecture.

Take good notes.

Do assignments and don�t buy the book because I�ve never used it.

Come to class�don�t skip, you learn 95% in lecture.

Don�t procrastinate studying for tests�it shows!

Be sure to look over your notes the day or day after lecture to keep the material in your head, and keep you prepared for upcoming tests.

No textbooks needed.

Study sections as you receive them�not all at once the day before the test.

The book isn�t as bad as some say!

Take good notes. Make sure you add information to them.

Don�t just copy what was on the board because when you go back and read your notes they may not make sense.

Come to every class.

Ask questions.

Really look at and spend time with the study guides.

I use the book often. It helps explain things I didn�t understand in the lecture.

Go to the lectures. Many test questions come from the lecture, not the book.

Study. Take notes.

Be sure to take good notes. Don�t just write down what is on the board. Make sure you add your own notes to clarify what you are given.

You don�t need to buy the book!!

Go to class! Take notes! If you already have the book, use it!

Don�t miss lecture�the notes are important.

Write down all the notes on the board and all his examples.

Do the study guides because they work great for studying before tests.

Keep up on the work and the study gudies.

Pay attention and go to lecture.

Pay attention in lectures and apply what you have learned in real situations. It will give you a better understanding.

Remember, meteorology is not an exact science.

Buying a book is a good idea to really get extra help in learning the material, but it isn�t necessary.

You don�t need to buy the book.

Study before each test.

I would buy the book, be there for lecture, and write down almost everything.

Don�t skip lecture! If you miss one, borrow someone�s notes.

Do your study guides and memorize your notes.

Get the book�it helps.

Go to all the lectures!

Study after each class for at least 20 minutes.

Take time to watch weather on the news and go outside to compare.

Do assignments and review material.


©2000-2019     D. Edward Wehling                   Comments should go to

The views and opinions expressed on this page are strictly those of the page author.  The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by Anoka-Ramsey Community College.