Points |
Grading: |
Exams (best 3 out of
4) 100 pts each |
300 |
Quizzes (6 pts each
- low score dropped) |
approx. 66 |
Online Homework (4
pts each - low score
dropped) |
48 |
Lab Reports and
Worksheets (10 pts
each - low score
dropped) |
70 |
U of MN Field Trip |
5 |
Biodiesel Project
Report |
30 |
Presentation |
15 |
Prelabs/Housekeeping |
10 |
Comprehensive Final
Exam |
180 |
Total Points: |
724 |
grade is determined
by a percentage of
overall points: |
A |
90% and above |
B |
80 - 89% |
C |
70 - 79% |
D |
60 - 69% |
Group Work: |
The majority of
class meetings will
consist of group
work using the POGIL
Guided Inquiry
Learning) method
using the Straumanis
Chemistry: A Guided
twelve short POGIL
quizzes (worth 6 pts
each) will be
throughout the
course typically a
class day or two
after a particular
POGIL group work
activity is
completed. Students
will work in
instructor assigned
groups of 3 - 5
people with each
member of the group
assigned a different
role – manager,
scribe, reflector,
and speaker. More
information on POGIL
group work will be
given the day of the
first activity. |
Exams/Quizzes: |
Every attempt should
be made to take the
exams and POGIL
quizzes at the
scheduled time.
Makeup exam and
POGIL quizzes will
be allowed with
excused absences at
the discretion of
the instructor.
Your lowest exam
score and POGIL quiz
will be dropped and
will not count
towards your final
grade. |
Integrity: |
policy regarding
cheating will be
strictly enforced.
Any violation
(copying from
another student’s
quiz or exam, using
unauthorized “cheat
sheets” during
exams, etc.) will be
dealt with
accordingly. You
should be familiar
with the college’s
policy regarding
academic integrity. |
Attendance: |
Class attendance is
expected by college
policy. Students
are responsible for
all information and
assignments given in
class. Please
contact the
professor in advance
if you know you will
be absent. If you
need to miss class
or lab due to a
observance, please
discuss this planned
absence at least 2
weeks in advance and
accommodations will
be made. |
Withdrawing: |
Important Dates and
Deadlines. |
Reading: |
This course will
cover chapter 12,
chapters 14 through
24 and selected
topics in chapters
25 through 28 of the
McMurry text
“Organic Chemistry”,
7th Edition.
It is
suggested that you
read the text
pertaining to a ChemActivity right
after the class
takes place.
However, if you find
that you have
trouble completing ChemActivities with
your group, then you
may want to consider
reading the text
pertaining to a
beforehand. |
Homework: |
Homework problems
will be assigned and
done for credit
online for chapters
12 and 14 - 24 using
the OWL program from
the publisher. Your
score for each
assignment will be
scaled to 4 points.
The selected topics
covered in chapters
25 through 28 will
be combined into one
assignment and be
scaled to 4 points.
Your lowest score
will be dropped. OWL
access can be
purchased in the
bookstore in a
bundle with your
textbook or
separately. More
information on these
assignments will be
given to you in the
first week of class. |
Additional Problems: |
In addition to the
graded online
homework described
above, in-chapter
and end-of-chapter
problems will be
assigned, but will
not be collected.
You should make a
sincere effort to do
these problems while
the related topic is
being covered in
class. If you do
the OWL homework
along with the
exercises, assigned
problems and the
POGIL exercises you
should be very
prepared for the
exams in this
Additionally, some
of these problems
(or problems very
similar to them) may
appear in exams, so
if you have done
them you will have
an added advantage. |
Accommodations: |
Students requiring
accommodation for a
disability must make
an appointment
during the first
week of class to
meet with me to
ensure the
accommodations may
be made.
Disabilities must
be documented
through Access
763-433-1350. |