The following is a
preliminary list
of what plant species with woody stems have been observed in the Natural Areas and other
parts of the Coon Rapids campus. If you have observed other species, please report
them to Joan McKearnan.
Links to the Minnesota's Department of Natural Resources tree website
are provided for some species. Order of species follows the Bell Museum's
Annotated Checklist
of Flora of Minnesota (2010).
Coniferous trees and shrubs

White Pines |
Broad-leaved trees and shrubs
Poison ivy, Rhus radicans
Staghorn sumac, Rhus typhina
Bush Honeysuckle, Diervilla lonicera
Northern pin oak,
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Bur oak,
Quercus macrocarpa
Northern Red oak, Quercus rubra
Eastern prickly gooseberry, Ribes cynosbati
Northern red currant, Ribes sativum
Green ash,
Fraxinus pennsylvanicus
Common buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica
Serviceberry, Amelanchier sp.
Apple, Pyrus malus
Raspberry, Rubus sp.
American mountain ash,
Sorbus americana
Eastern cottonwood,
Populus deltoides
Big-toothed aspen,
Populus grandidentata
Quaking aspen,
Populus tremuloides
Amur maple, Acer ginnala
Box elder,
Acer negundo
Sugar maple,
Acer saccharum
American basswood,
Tilia americana
American elm,
Ulmus americanus
Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila
Wild grape, Vitis sp.
Virginia creeper (woodbine),

Sumac in the fall |
© 2013 Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Biology Department.
The contents of this page have not been reviewed by ARCC.
Last Updated -August 12, 2016
Comments or Problems contact:
Melanie Waite-Altringer or
Joan McKearnan or
Terry Teppen