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Phi Theta Kappa Monthly Meetings at ARCC will be the first Wednesday of each month.  The meetings are designated for all members and anyone who wants to be involved with Phi Theta Kappa.  These meetings are not all business though; we have fun too!  There is a drawing for a door prize and a fun developmental activity...We also announce our Member of the Month at these meetings.  Refreshments are always provided so if you're hungry after class skip the vending machine. 

Phi Theta Kappa's "Scholarship" Hallmark is used to promote learning outside of the classroom.  Before you run away with fear of  homework, I must let you know that we want to make learning fun by doing exciting events and activities as a group of friends.  The current "Honor's Topic" for 2006-2008 is titled, "Gold, Gods, and Glory: The Global Dynamics of Power."  This topic explores the use of power in religion, government, families, friendships, romantic relationships, and organizations.  Please check out the "Scholarship" webpage for further information.

Have you been anxious to know what's going on with Phi Theta Kappa on campus?  Want to get to know your fellow student officers in Phi Theta Kappa?  Curious as to what fun events are going on with your Phi Theta Kappa student members?  Just look online at  If you have any ideas as to what to add to the Phi Theta Kappa website, just contact Trenton Nellis, VP of Technology, at (763) 422-3894 or e-mail him at


















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Cambridge MN 55008
General Information: 763.689.7000

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General Information: 763.427.2600