
Majoring in Economics

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Majoring in Economics

Economics is a math-intensive course of study because Economists spend a great deal of time analyzing data for corporations and government. Therefore, in addition to economics, math and statistics are critical. Milton Friedman, a Nobel Economist, once suggested that an economist who does not understand society is not going to be very successful. Therefore, a person majoring in economics should also take courses in sociology, history, political science, and psychology. For most students in the MNSCU system those classes fit nicely into the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and/or distribution requirements. Specifically:


  • Elementary and Intermediate Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
  • Courses as specified by the Department for the major
  • Courses leading to a concentration in some Economic Specialty such as International Economics, Labor Economics and so on.

Math and Statistics:

  • Up through Calculus II
  • Statistics for Business or the Social Sciences


  • As recommended by the Department based on interest and specialty.

Elementary Principles (ARCC Courses:  Econ 2205 and Econ 2206), Calculus, and Statistics are all offered at Anoka Ramsey as well as many courses meeting Distribution Requirements.