The oak woodlands were one of the most common
plant communities
found in the presettlement deciduous
zone in Minnesota. It's an intermediate community between
oak forests and oak savanna. Oak woodlands tend to be more
prevalent on dry sites than
other tree species. Oak trees have adapted to fire, which was an
important ecological factor in presettlement times. Common plants found
in the oak woodlands are
trees, raspberries,
cherries, hazel, and prickly ash. Bracket
fungi and wildflowers are also found
in an oak woodland.
An introduced plant species
that is now common in the oak woodland is
In addition to their plant
species, oak woodlands are characterized by their
and horizontal
Link to woodland
ecology for more information about our woodland
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Authors: Melissa
Minter, Laurie Hanson, and Kerry Dennison. October 2001.
© 2013 Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Biology Department.
The contents of this page have not been reviewed by ARCC.
Last Updated -July 28, 2016
Comments or Problems contact:
Melanie Waite-Altringer or
Joan McKearnan or
Terry Teppen